From StoryGraph. This is my personal tracking page.
1. With 25 letters in the title | Remarkably Bright Creatures – Shelby Van Pelt |
2. Written 25+ years ago | Burning Water – Mercedes Lackey (1989) |
3. Published in 2025 | |
4. Word in the title that rhymes with 25 | |
5. By an author who was published by age 25 | |
6. Second or fifth book in a series | |
7. With at least 25 chapters | |
8. With a character who is 25 years old | |
9. With a title that starts with the letter Y | |
10. With a 2 or a 5 in the title | |
11. By an author with the initials TF | |
12. By an author who has written 25+ books | |
13. With a silver cover | |
14. With 4 POVs | |
15. Set in Arkansas | |
16. That was translated into at least 25 languages | |
17. With baseball | |
18. Associated with a song from Adele’s “25” album | |
19. Set during Christmas | |
20. With an assassination or set during the Civil War (4/1861 – 4/1865) | |
21. With a lawyer | |
22. From the New York Times Top 25 Books of the Last 25 Years list | |
23. Associated with Jane Austen | |
24. With a square on the cover | |
25. With a queen |
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